About Me

One thing that you should know about me is I adore bears. Hence the name Chukuma which means "bear" in Japanese. I’m a girl who has an on and off relationship with Japanese dramas since '07 or '08. Recently, I have a  fetish fallen in love with Korean dramas. I review Japanese and Korean dramas at my other blog, Spill the Drama Beans

I actually did some self studying for Japanese in late '07 or early '08, but my motivation dwindle and I only got about half a year of studying down. I don't remember much from it besides some basic and random Japanese phrases. Though, I dropped my studies, I still wished to learn Japanese. I decided to start my studying up again after being inspired by some of my Japanese friends from Lang-8 and Hangukdrama and Korean, who has been self studying Korean for a few years.

I hope this blog will help me become motivated in learning Japanese, I wish to look back at this blog and see all my hard work in the future! On a side note, I am also taking French at school, so I may be sneaking in some post about my progress in French as well.